- Back Order Notice -

  • Back order will be closed on 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, 30th every month.

  • On a conservative estimate, please give us at least 7 - 20 days to deal with pre-order as all the items are shipped from overseas.

  • For example, Cloudies made a back order on 16th, Cloudnine.19 will place your order with suppliers on 20th, conservative estimation starts from 20th which items will arrive between 21st [this month] - 9th [next month]. Hence, the parcel will be shipped from us from 9th onwards
    例:小雲在16日下單補貨款,我們會在20日向廠商下單,保守估計 (7-20天) 將從20日起為準。補貨款將於21-9日期間抵達,包裹則會於9日起發出。

  • Please note that 7 - 20 days will be a conservative estimate as delay might be happened due to unexpected incidents. For example, courier delay, supplier delay, etc. 
    在此註明7-20天為保守估計。 (因:不明因素如運輸緩慢、廠商拖延等)